31 March 2008

We had a very encouraging appt with Dr. Chung (Aaron's neurologist) today! Aaron ended up having another seizure on Saturday, both being immediately after his shower. Dr. Chung wasn't disturbed by that at all -- in fact he said that any seizures that occur in the 2 weeks post-surgery don't even count!! That brought a smile to Aaron's face! He told Aaron that he did and continues to do remarkably well! They are all very pleased with his recovery and progress so far! As for the seizures, taking showers has always been a trigger for Aaron. I did some reading over the weekend about water causing seizures in some folks, whether it's shower or bath. Dr. Chung said that in Aaron's case, more than the water it's the temperature of the water -- too hot! He said it's very similar to Aaron being predisposed to having a seizure when he gets overheated -- same concept. So for the last 2 days, Aaron has taken quick and cool showers!

Dr. Chung said that with the neuro rehab (which starts tomorrow!) he should regain the use and sensation on his right side, much like it was before the surgery. He also said that he doesn't want to do anything medication-wise this time, but to come back in 2 months and then we'll talk about making some medication changes.

All in all, we were very encouraged by the appointment! Dr. Chung doesn't sugar-coat anything which is good, even hard to hear sometimes, but I'd rather that than building us up and not being completely forthcoming with things we need to know. No one likes surprises.

So, that's it for today! Tomorrow begins neuro rehab at 8:30 a.m. Aaron will be there roughly 3 hours and I'm sure will be completely exhausted when he gets home! This initial appt will be longer than what he can expect in the future.

Hasta Luego!

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