15 March 2008

HOORAY!!! Aaron's coming home tomorrow! Dr. Smith said it could be today, but we opted for one more day. The feeling and use of his right side is being restored little by little each day! Double vision is still a bit of a problem but you know, I think I'd have triple vision if someone took out a piece of my brain and then kept me loaded on pain meds for 3 straight days!!!

Aaron was able to walk around some yesterday, with assistance, which made him start feeling better almost immediately! His appetite has definitely returned and they removed his IV yesterday.

I came home yesterday morning and slept some, but I did sleep great last night. Still feels like I could sleep another couple of days though.

HUGE thanks to Laurie Woolsey for the yummiest chicken noodle soup I have ever eaten! How great it was to open up the fridge and find a big container of that in there! Yum!

Collin and I will be heading up today, after I try to make a dent in what looks like the Mt. Everest of laundry in my room! Warning to anyone who comes over in the next few days -- we've just been dumping and running for over a week now so this house is a disaster!

Thanks again for everyone's prayers and encouragement! You will never know what it has meant to us!

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