23 May 2008

Has it really been that long? I guess it has. I have been trying to get on here to write a post, but I don't think I have held still since the last one! Aaron is doing very well! He was approved for another round of twice a week therapy. Today the therapist gently brought up the idea that there's the possibility Aaron won't regain use of his right hand. He said he didn't want to be discouraging, but that we have to be realistic and consider the possibility. Aaron nodded, knowing that of course that could be the case. He's been kind of quiet since the appointment as I'm sure the weight of that thought is on him. My feeling is that if the surgery is successful at eliminating the seizures, then we can deal with the loss of use. Easy for me to say as I sit here typing with two good hands.

Aaron has been giving some thought to school in the fall. It's hard to know what to do. Memory is still an issue and he has finally acknowledged that. Guess we'll see.

On a brighter note, it has been 3 weeks and 3 days since the last seizure!!! Hooray!! Aaron sees his neurologist on June 12th so we're looking forward to that!

I guess that's all from here! Thanks to everyone for your continued care and concern! Blessings!

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